Our Syllabus

As a member of the proud JKS affiliated group, we strictly follow the JKS syllabus as provided by the JKS HQ, Japan. Recently the syllabus was reviewed and a lot was changed. We are also following the new Syllabus. Anyone who is coming from non-JKS groups, we ask them to follow their old syllabus but shift to the new syllabus within 6 months of joining.


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Chudan Oi-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Kakiwake gedan kamae

⑥ Mae-geri(step forward)

From Kiba-dachi

⑦ Yoko ke-komi (both sides)




Gohon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Chudan Oi-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Kakiwake gedan kamae

⑥ Mae-geri(step forward)

From Kiba-dachi

⑦ Yoko ke-komi (both sides)


Heian Shodan


Gohon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Chudan Oi-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Kakiwake gedan kamae

⑥ Mae-geri(step forward)

From Kiba-dachi

⑦ Yoko ke-age (both sides)


Heian Nidan


Gohon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)

④ Chudan Uchi-uke(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai(step forward)

⑥ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)

From Jiyu-na-kamae,

⑦ Mae-geri(step forward)

⑧ Mawashi-geri(step forward)

From Kiba-dachi

⑨ Yoko ke-age(step forward)

⑩ Yoko ke-komi(step forward)




Gohon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)

④ Chudan Uchi-uke(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai(step forward)

⑥ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)

From Jiyu-na-kamae,

⑦ Mae-geri(step forward)

⑧ Mawashi-geri(step forward)

From Kiba-dachi

⑨ Yoko ke-age(step forward)

⑩ Yoko ke-komi(step forward)




Gohon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

④ Chudan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

⑥ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai (step backward)

From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

⑦ Mae-geri, Oi-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Mawashi-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)*Keep the hand at same position before kicking

From Kiba-dachi

⑨ Yoko ke-age switch legs Yoko ke-komi

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑩ Turning & stepping forward Ura-ken, Gyaku-zuki


Heian-Godan, Junro-Shodan


Kihon-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

④ Chudan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

⑥ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai (step backward)

From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

⑦ Mae-geri, Oi-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Mawashi-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)*Keep the hand at same position before kicking

From Kiba-dachi

⑨ Yoko ke-age switch legs Yoko ke-komi

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑩ Turning & stepping forward Ura-ken, Gyaku-zuki


Tekki-Shodan, Junro-Nidan


Kihon-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Sanbon-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki(step back)

*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nukite(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Nekoashi-dachi Uchi-uke, Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑥ Mae-geri, Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

*In Oi-zuki (hanmi, side facing), Gyaku-zuki (shomen, frontal facing)

⑦ Mae-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri, Ura Mawashi-geri(both sides)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Yoko Ke-age, same leg Yoko Ke-komi (step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑨ Turning & stepping forward Ura Shuto-uchi, Haito-uchi (step forward)


Junro-Sandan, Kata of choice (Jion, Kanku Dai, Enpi, Bassai Dai)


Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Sanbon-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki(step back)

*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nukite(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Nekoashi-dachi Uchi-uke, Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑥ Mae-geri, Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

*In Oi-zuki (hanmi, side facing), Gyaku-zuki (shomen, frontal facing)

⑦ Mae-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri, Ura Mawashi-geri(both sides)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Yoko Ke-age, same leg Yoko Ke-komi (step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑨ Turning & stepping forward Ura Shuto-uchi, Haito-uchi (step forward)


Junro-Yondan, Kata of choice (Jion, Kanku Dai, Enpi, Bassai Dai)


Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Sanbon-zuki(step forward)

② Jodan Age-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki(step back)

*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nukite(step back)

⑤ Gedan Barai, Nekoashi-dachi Uchi-uke, Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑥ Mae-geri, Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

*In Oi-zuki (hanmi, side facing), Gyaku-zuki (shomen, frontal facing)

⑦ Mae-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri, Ura Mawashi-geri(both sides)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑧ Yoko Ke-age, same leg Yoko Ke-komi (step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

⑨ Turning & stepping forward Ura Shuto-uchi, Haito-uchi (step forward)


Junro-Godan, Kata of choice (Jion, Kanku Dai, Enpi, Bassai Dai)


Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite(Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Oi-zuki, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri)


From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae

① Long step forward Sanbon-zuki(step forward)

② Long step backward Jodan Age-uke, Front leg Mae-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

③ Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi, Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-ken, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

④ Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step back)

*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki

⑤ Mae-geri Oizuki, Mawashi-geri Gyaku-zuki, Ushiro-geri Gyaku-zuki, Ura Mawashi-geri Gyaku-zuki

(both sides)

⑥ From Zenkutsu-dachi, same leg Yoko Ke-age, Yoko Ke-komi, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Jiyu-na-kamae (both sides are acceptable, choose either left or right side)

⑦ Yose ashi (move the back leg half step) Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

⑧ Move with front leg forward, Gyaku-zuki, change side Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

⑨ Move with front leg forward, Mae-geri, Oi-zuki, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)


Kata of choice (Heian-Shodan~Heian Godan, Tekki-Shodan, Junro-Shodan~Junro-Godan)

Tokui-Kata (Kata of choice from Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai, Enpi, Jion)




From Jiyu-na-kamae (both sides are acceptable, choose either left or right side)

① Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki + Mae-geri, Oi-zuki, Gyaku-zuki + Mawashi-geri, Uraken, Gyaku-zuki (both


*Going out, the three combinations should be performed in three counts. Returning, all the three

combinations should be performed in one count. Can be performed either left or right side (examinee’s


② Kizami-zuki, Gyaku-zuki, step back Jodan Nagashi-uke, Gyaku-zuki + Mae-geri, Oi-zuki, Gyaku-zuki,

step back to 45 degrees Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki + Mawashi-geri, Uraken, Gyaku-zuki, step back to 45

degrees Jodan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki (both sides)

*Going out, the three combinations should be performed in three counts. Returning, all the three

combinations should be performed in one count. Can be performed either left or right side (examinee’s


③ From Zenkutsu-dachi, in place, Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri (same leg)(both sides)


Kata of choice from (Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai, Enpi, Jion, Junro-Kata),

Tokui-Kata (Kata of choice)




Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)




Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)




Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)


Jiyu-Kumite (Or a presentation of a Technical Research in case of unavoidable reason)


Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)


Jiyu-Kumite (Or a presentation of a Technical Research in case of unavoidable reason)


Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)


Presentation of a Technical Research


Tokui-Kata (Two Katas of choice) (from now on the examiner will not choose)


Presentation of a Technical Research